Keynote speakers







Professor of Accounting & Financial Management at the University of Portsmouth.  He has published more than 200 refereed papers in academic journals and international conference proceedings.  He has a rapidly growing research reputation around his principal research area concerned with corporate narrative reporting. He has been awarded the prestigious 2007 Best Paper Award of the British Accounting Review for his paper “Loss firms’ annual report narratives and share price anticipation of earnings” and the prestigious 2012 Best Paper Award of the Journal of Risk Finance for his paper “Revisiting the capital structure puzzle: UK evidence”.  His publication appears in top-quality journals such as Accounting and Business Research, British Accounting Review, International Review of Financial Analysis; Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting and the Journal of International Accounting, Auditing, and Taxation. He is a Co-Editor-in-Chief of JFRA, Senior Editor of IJoEM and Associate Editor of IJEF, JAAR and IJAAPE.

 Pr Thierry LAMBERT

Pr. Thierry LAMBERT


Public law professor at the University of Aix Marseille, France. President of the International Institute of Tax Sciences (2iSF) He is the author of numerous articles devoted to tax audit procedures and techniques. He is editor-in-chief of the European and international review of tax law REIDF

Pr Pascal NGUYEN


Professor of finance at University of Montpellier, France. He teaches asset pricing, portfolio management, corporate finance and private equity. His research examines the implications of corporate governance and ownership structure on firms’ decisions and performance. He is currently investigating the determinants and consequences of board diversity and corporate social responsibility. He has published in high quality journals such as the Revue d'Economie Politique, Comptabilité, Contrôle Audit, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, Journal of Business Strategy.

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